What day is this, anyway?

As of late my day-jobs (and night-jobs) have taken over much of my time, but through the power of losing sleep, I'm still writing. On the plus side, recently a dear friend of mine offered to help me maintain my Facebook and other various websites, including this one. This means that more content will be headed your way, but it also means that not all of it will come directly from me. I'm interested to see how this pans out. Feel free to post your comments on the subject.

Work on Moribund continues. I'm at a point that the characters are so developed that I don't have to put them into situations, because they get themselves into them. I simply have to guide them to a conclusion that fits the story, if at all possible. Who knows? Maybe this book will end up in a completely different place by the time it's finished. I think I would enjoy that immensely. Those who support my writing through Patreon can expect a completed second chapter to the book in the coming weeks. I hope you enjoy it.

Speaking of Patreon, I've been posting completed short stories there every now and again. If you've enjoyed the short stories in "A Glimpse into Madness" then you would likely also enjoy the stories I post there. Any amount of support helps, though there are tiers of support that will get you more than stories, if you enjoy that sort of thing.

For those of you who are unaware, I'm currently living in Portland, Oregon. I was born here. It seemed fitting. The other day I went to the smallest national park in the country, which is located near the waterfront in downtown Portland.
In a busy street.
In the middle of a crosswalk.
In a circle of stones the size of a medium flower pot.

No, really. It exists. Would you like to see?


Nice, isn't it?

Nice, isn't it?

I don't know why, but the visit to Mill Ends Park made me happy. I love random adventures.

On that subject, I'm turning 30 on Sunday, December 20th. I know, I know, get the old jokes out of the way now. 
Go on. I'll wait.


Got it out of your system? Good. Now, on to to presents! Just because it's my birthday, doesn't mean I'm the only one getting gifts. From now until the end of the year, all products on this website will be 30% off. All of them. Yes, even the original artwork. To get the discount, all you have to do is enter the coupon-code "Birthday30" when checking out. It's my gift to you all for taking the time to read my work. I still can't believe so many people enjoy my random stories and imagination, but just because I can't believe it doesn't mean I don't enjoy it. It makes me happy beyond belief.

Right, now that's out of the way. I'm sure I'm forgetting something, but I really must write some more before going to work this morning.

Until next time.

~Sean Walter

Where has the time gone?

There's quite a bit to catch up on, since it has been a month since I last posted on this site. I've been hard at work editing and writing for my next book, while at the same time promoting my current book. It's a hell of a task, but it's also quite fun. I love hearing from various people from all over the world who have read my work. It touches something in me edging on the point of pride.

Recently, while transcribing a series of edits onto my computer as I sat at an ill-used card table that holds my computer from the floor, I realized something: I know how to work with wood. Moreover, my father knows how to work well with wood. That thought in mind, I decided I would make myself a desk. I've been taking pictures of it as it progresses, and thus far it's looking spectacular. I'll be posting images of it as soon as it's complete.

I have found a new way to support myself with writing. It turns out that some websites will pay you to write silly things like blogs and advertising, and moreover, they will pay me to write silly things like blogs and advertising. They also pay people to edit the works of others. I've begun using several such websites, and if I'm lucky I'll be able to pay my rent with it this month. If I'm very lucky, I'll be able to work less in the labor-intensive fields that I've been working in all my life and focus more on the art that I love. I've also been giving a great deal of thought to hosting a Patreon. I'm curious as to what people would think about something like that. It's an interesting service. It allows people who enjoy someone's work to pay them for it (a strange idea, to be sure), but only pay for it on a monthly or a per-item-delivered basis. In my case, it would be for short stories or severely detailed character designs and sketches for upcoming books, and I can provide free things exclusively to supporters as well. Anything that would help me to get more writing done, more editing, to spend more time buried in my mind, barely noticing my hand scratching out stories from the depths.

It's getting close to 1am, and I have to get up soon to get on with the work that I loathe so that I can do the art that I love. Until next time.