Hello again,
So, it looks as if I will be appearing at DragonCon 2015. The con goes from September 4th-7th in Atlanta, Georgia. Details can be seen on the events page. That being said, I do hope some of you will come out and say hello. I'm not at all sure what I'll be dressed as just yet, but I'm working something out. There's time.
As for the website, I added several new mailing options to the store, so you should have an easier time seeing exactly how you would like your items shipped. I'm also working on links to allow Paypal users to shop using their accounts, but Paypal and my Squarespace (which I built this website on) don't play well together. I may re-design the entire store page. We'll see.
As for items being available on the site, I'll soon be putting up the leather-bound, handmade copies of "A Glimpse into Madness." They're bound in actual leather by me, the pages are of the highest quality, hand-stitched with waxed and acid-free thread, then bound with a non-staining and lasting glue. These will be going at a premium, but there will only ever be 20 in existence, and they're sure to last a lifetime. They are each numbered, signed, and sometimes doodled in. I hope to get them listed soon.
The first batch of books sold on this site went out this morning, and I'm pleased with the turnout. The Promo-code is still good through this Sunday.
As for my personal life, I'm still editing, still writing, and still very happy with the results thus far. My cats, on the other hand, have been upset with me. They hate it when I work. (see below) Clotho is the innocent looking one (who is also sitting on my keyboard) and Chronos is her brother. They're a cute handful, but I enjoy their company.